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SSISA | Pulse: Physical Activity

Waterpolo Strength: When do you prioritise strength

The Role of Load Monitoring & Fundamentals of Resistance Training

Exploring popular diets for Weight Loss

Popular diets for weight loss  

Unlock your Running Potential

1. Expert Insights and Knowledge

Running seminars are often led by experienced coaches, sports...

Supplementation in Running

What is a supplement?

The Pace-Feeling Puzzle: Running's Dynamic Duo

Pace vs. Perception: The Great Debate

Runners, both elite and casual, have been trying to crack...

Plyometrics for Power on the Bike

Although the increase in the addition of cross training to cycling programmes is a positive the...

Exercise improves mental health outcomes

It is estimated that approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Physical...

World Mental Health Day: 10 October 2023

In SA, while access to public healthcare is free, waiting periods and specialist healthcare...

The role of a Biokineticist

Biokinetics is multidisciplinary and biokineticists often collaborate with other healthcare...