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SSISA | Pulse: Health

Eating Healthily During Ramadan

Understanding the significance of iftar and suhoor is essential for maintaining a balanced and...

Beyond the Prescription: The Global Ozempic Dilemma

We first wrote about Ozempic and its use for weight loss in December 2023. When discussing the...

Exploring popular diets for Weight Loss

Popular diets for weight loss  

Supplementation in Running

What is a supplement?

Pace vs Feeling: Exploring the Dynamics of Pace and Effort in Running

The pursuit of optimal performance in running is a complex endeavour, often driven by the delicate...

An informed customer is an empowered customer, especially around their health

The Sports Science Institute of South Africa is bolstered through its academic affiliation and...

Exercise improves mental health outcomes

It is estimated that approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Physical...

Vaping and its effects on health

The use of electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as vaping, has grown exponentially and has...

Ozempic and Weight Management

There are different approaches to weight loss and management. Some methods promise fast results (7)...