An informed customer is an empowered customer, especially around their health
The Sports Science Institute of South Africa is bolstered through its academic affiliation and...
The Sports Science Institute of South Africa is bolstered through its academic affiliation and...
It is estimated that approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Physical...
These metrics are used in running coaching and programming, and the most accurate information is...
The use of electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as vaping, has grown exponentially and has...
Today, SSISA celebrates the International Day for Sport and Physical Activity (IDSPA) and the...
Enhances Cognitive Development
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), alongside other types of training such as Yoga and...
Since 1994, the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) in collaboration with UCT’s Health...
There are different approaches to weight loss and management. Some methods promise fast results (7)...
While there isn't direct scientific evidence linking sports bras to breast cancer prevention, we...
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Old Mutual Centre