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Running Coaching

Run Strong, Achieve your Dreams

Programme Details

Running coaching is a service that provides you with a personalised periodised training programme for a specific race or distance. A periodised programme is a structured plan that varies the intensity, volume, and type of training over time, to optimise your performance and avoid injury. A personalised programme is tailored to your individual needs, goals, and abilities, based on your running history, fitness level, and feedback. A holistic approach to training means that we also consider other factors that affect your running, such as nutrition, recovery, strength, mobility, and mental skills.

Improve your running technique, efficiency, and economy

Prepare for a specific race or distance, from 5k to ultra-marathonProgramme designed by qualified SSISA biokineticists

Learn how to train smarter, not harder.

Build your endurance, speed, and power

Prepare for a specific race or distance, from 5k to ultra-marathon


  • You fill out a questionnaire and have an initial consultation with one of our expert coaches, who will assess your running profile and goals.
  • You receive a personalised periodised training programme, delivered via an online platform or app, that outlines your weekly schedule, workouts, and targets.
  • You follow the programme and track your progress, using a GPS watch, heart rate monitor, or other device.
  • You communicate with your coach, who will provide you with feedback, advice, and support, and adjust your programme as needed.

If you are interested send an email to or fill out the form below

Please complete the form below if you are interested in our running coaching services.