Home > Gym > Programmes > Go-4-It
Whatever your fitness goals are, Go-4-It will get you there
This holistic and individualised 8-week programme will give you the tools you need on your journey.
The programme offers the following


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You do not need to be a member to join one of our programmes. These programmes are available to the general public.
Programmes are not included in memberships. Ask your sales consultant or contact info@ssisa.com if you would like to find out how much a programme costs.
A programme runs for a set period of time and is not included in your membership. A class runs throughout the year and is included in your membership.
Monday to Friday 05:30-21:00
Saturdays 06:30-19:00
Sundays 08:00-12:30 & 16:00-19:00
Public holidays 06:30-12:30 & 16:00-19:00
Closed Days: Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year's Day