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SSISA Education
The Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) Education is an accredited training provider, bringing you the latest education offerings in fitness, wellness and sports conditioning.
Established in 1994, SSISA was the first institution in South Africa to promote the advancement of sport through science. Science continues to play a central role in the activities of SSISA and is the focus of our education offerings.

Campus-based Fitness Qualification

Online Fitness Qualification

Online Short Courses

The Sports Science Institute of South Africa is a CATHSSETA accredited provider
Accreditation number: 613/P/000126/2008
At the Sports Science Institute of South Africa we do not offer sports science as a study option. In order to get a sports science degree you have to apply and study at one of the universities in South Africa. We only offer a 1-year National Certificate in Fitness and 2 Year National Diploma in Fitness.
At SSISA we have a few options for those interested in a career in the Fitness, Health or Sports Industry. We offer a 2-day Job Shadow Programme to Grade 11 learners and host multiple Student Open Days for Grade 12 learners and those already out of school.